Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID)

Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) is a severe condition in which two or more identities or personalities are present in and take control of an individual. A person with DID, most likely has two different personalities and the alter takes control over the person’s behavior.  Each alter might have distinct traits, personal history, and way of thinking about and relating to his or her surroundings. An alter might even be of a different gender and have his or her own name. The person with DID may or may not be aware of the other personality and might not have memories of the times when the alter is dominant. Stress or a reminder of the trauma can act as a trigger to bring about a "switch" of alters. This can create a chaotic life and cause problems in work and social situations. It is generally accepted that DID results from extreme and repeated traumas that occur during important times during childhood or adulthood. The trauma often involves severe emotional, physical or sexual abuse. An important early loss, such as the loss of a parent, also might be a factor in the development of DID. In order to survive extreme stress, the person separates the thoughts, feelings and memories associated with traumatic experiences from their usual level of conscious awareness. If DID is not taken seriously it can lead to problems with functioning and even disability. People with DID are also at risk for suicide attempts, self-injury, violence, abuse or repeated victimization by others. In my opinion we all somehow have this disorder it just isn’t as strong as people who are actually diagnosed with DID. We all have different personalities when we feel different emotions, we are just able to control it and not let it generate another identity, unlike people who have DID they can’t control it. Also, i think it depends on the people we are with as well, different people can bring out different sides of us. 

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  1. Your blog as been very educational so far and very interesting. I have heard of the mental illness before but I did not know this much information on it. I think it's good that people learn about mental illnesses so they don't assume things. It's also good to understand them so people take them seriously.

  2. Mia, your blog is very interesting and I enjoy reading it each week I always learn something new. DID is a very interesting mental disorder because it is very unlike any others. I do agree that we all have a little bit of this in us but most of us can control it unlike them. I look forward to seeing what you have in store for us next week.

  3. Wow, I really enjoyed reading your blog and im looking forward to reading your next post. I thought that it was interesting because i never really took the time to think about DID, and i liked what you talked about how we all have a little bit of it but some of us can control and some of us can't.

  4. Yes i do agree, this subject for my blog is very interesting and I enjoy learning about new things each weekaswell. DID is a very interesting mental disorder because it is unlike any others as you mentioned Emily. I look forward to you guys keeping up with my blog. Thank you.
